Empire Credit Repair is a one-stop boutique shop for Credit Repair Services and Credit Building options.

We have over 20 years experience in the Financial Services area and over the years we have a proven record of success in removing questionable negative items such as collections, charge offs, inquiries, liens, foreclosures, bankruptcies, reposessions, judgements and late payments.  

Empire Credit Repair proudly offers you a 90 days money back guarantee as well. Send us your information and one of our Professional Credit Analysts will contact you momentarily.



We understand our clients profoundly and know how discouraring it is to see doors shut in front of you at banks, car dealerships and other financial institutions. This is why we offer a FULL REFUND if you don´t see any deletions in the first 90 days!


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Our Services

When working with Empire Credit Repair you are receiving one of the most robust, user-friendly credit repair solutions in the nation with different options tailored to fit every customers´ needs.

Disputes to all 3 Credit Bureaus
Ad has pertinax salutandi definitiones, quo ex omnis paulo equidem, minim alterum urbanitas eam et. ...
Creditor Interventions
Assum tantas expetenda pro te. Dicat affert accumsan mea ex. Qui magna quodsi at. Sit legimus reform...
Credit score analysis
Aeque tibique sensibus vis no. Choro corrumpit an est. Cum aliquando persequeris te, ius graeco deni...
Credit rebuilding
Ei est suas impetus, eos invenire periculis et, quodsi eripuit indoctum et sit. Diam omnium utroque ...
Inquiry targeting
Cu his convenire conceptam liberavisse, at saepe partem vim. Ea eam odio percipit tractatos. Mei vid...
Real time score tracker
Soleat nullam at sed. Delectus interpretaris pri ut. Mea libris repudiare ei, an nec similique compl...


Empire Credit Repair takes pride in being a customer-centric organization that puts people first. Our collaborators make your goals theirs, focusing in providing every client with an unforgettable experience.

Esteban Cascante
Esteban Cascante
Business Development Executive
Esteban has been part of the Empire Merchant Group companies since 2015.
Isaac Cascante
Isaac Cascante
Business Development
Isaac is the newest addition to the team. He will always greet you with a smile.
Brayden Charles
Brayden Charles
Marketing Head
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in vix sanctus facilisi molestiae, ne nemore suavitate sed. Voluptua ini...
Anya Siennadia
Anya Siennadia
Assistant Sectory
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei prima quidam contentiones vix, eu vim quot discere antiopam, at pro p...

Our Stats

Numbers speak for themselves. Empire Credit Repair prides itself in the fact that most of our clients are long term client that come to us for one or several of the services we provide.


won disputes
client referals

From Our Clients


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Awesome Clients

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In gnissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.